Building In Lost Park

Guidelines for Building in Lost Park Ranch
(Revised March 2024)
Click HERE for a PDF copy

The following guidelines are informed by the Lost Park Ranch Owner Association (“LPROA”) declaration of protective covenants, bylaws and policies, and relevant Park County building/zoning regulations, and are intended to assist lot owners in the planning and construction or improvement of dwellings and other structures in Lost Park Ranch (“LPR”). Notwithstanding any permit or other authorization as may be issued by Park County, it is critical to remember that no structure may be constructed or placed, or repaired or altered with respect to its exterior appearance within Lost
Park Ranch without it having first been approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee (“ACC”). It must also be noted that some LPR building requirements are more stringent than Park County standards and that in the event of a conflict, the more stringent LPR requirement shall prevail. It is the lot owner’s responsibility to confirm compliance with all LPR building requirements and owners should not rely exclusively on a contractor to ensure that all requirements have been fully and timely met.
Governing Principles
It is the intent of the covenants and building guidelines to protect and enhance the value,
desirability, and attractiveness of the property within LPR, and to ensure that the natural environment be
disturbed as little as possible. External structural design is to harmonize with existing structures and
topography, while colors are to be compatible and blend with the natural environment of the subdivision.

Accessory structure is a subordinate structure or building normally associated with a lawful pre- existing principal structure/building located on the same lot. Examples include sheds, garages, permanent fences and walls, decks, gazebos, storage containers, tanks (i.e. propane or water), solar arrays, swing sets, and greenhouses. Propane tanks must comply with lot line setback requirements, however, they do not count toward a lot’s maximum number of structures per Park County Land Use and Regulations.

Principal structure/building is the primary and predominant structure/building on a lot. In LPR,
dwellings are the only allowed principal structure/building on a lot. All other structures/buildings on a lot
are accessory structures.

Setback is the direct line distance between a lot line and the nearest point of an exterior wall/surface
of a structure on the lot.

Structure is anything constructed, erected or placed vertically upon the ground including, without limitation, dwellings, buildings, tanks, sheds, walls, permanent fences and permanent signs, but exempting flag, utility and similar freestanding poles, temporary seasonal fences (e.g., snow and garden fences), temporary signs, freestanding bird feeders/birdbaths, planters and landscaping ornamentation/art, raised gardens, barbecues/cooking pits, permanent benches, driveway entry monuments, dog runs, swing sets, and similar non- habitable structures as may be determined by the ACC.

Variance is a departure from a required setback set forth in the LPR declaration of protective covenants authorized by the ACC upon application to relieve non-self-created hardship imposed by a strict adherence to the setback requirement. The ACC is not empowered to grant variances from Park County building or zoning regulations.

Architectural Control Committee--approval process

Purpose: The purpose and function of the ACC is to assure that Lost Park Ranch shall become and remain an attractive community through the intelligent architectural control of design, placement, materials, and construction of buildings, to uphold and enhance property values, and to educate LPR Owners of wildfire mitigation considerations (in partnership with the LPROA Wildfire Mitigation Committee).

Membership: The ACC is composed of three (3) volunteer persons who are elected by the owners of within LPR. The ACC chairperson shall be responsible for any on-site lot inspections necessary to determine that lots and structures thereon are in compliance with LPROA covenants and shall keep accurate records of new permits and structures. If any ACC member, or the LPROA board, receives a complaint concerning a particular lot, the ACC chairperson, after board approval, shall be responsible for the filing of the complaint with Park County.

Authority: Architectural Control Committee Approval (ACC) is required for all structures being erected, converted, placed, added, or modified on any lot. Approval is gained through an official application process. Applications must include plans showing the location of all structures, and specifications of materials and colors to be used. All applications are subject to on-site review to ensure materials and colors adhere to the guidelines for building in LPR.
Procedure: Approval for new or modified structures shall be made by filling out the Architectural Control Committee - Project Approval Request Form, which can be found in the Member area on the Lost Park Owners Association website, or directly from any member of the ACC. The form can be submitted on the LPROA website (member section) or by emailing it to The ACC has thirty (30) days from receipt of completed application to provide a written decision. Building and modifications are not to begin until written approval is received by the ACC. If the ACC fails to provide a written decision within thirty (30) days of confirmed receipt, the application will be considered “approved,” provided that
all other covenants have been observed.

Applications are not considered complete without supporting applicable documentation requested by the ACC, including, but not limited to site plans, architectural elevations, material specifications, color schemes, photos of existing structures, and all applicable permits required by Park County. Colors samples must be provided for structures, including, but limited to, body, trim, doors, roof, decking, railings, fences, as applicable. The ACC may request an on-site review of materials, color selections, and location of structures and may request samples of materials and colors to ensure all guidelines have been met.

This procedure must be followed for proposed structures (see definition), including, but not limited to all new construction and for modifications and repairs of existing structures, including roof repairs and re- painting/re-staining (even if applying existing color).
Construction Particulars

Dwellings: Notwithstanding any Park County zoning or building regulation that may authorize lesser dimensions, and as specified in the LPR declaration of protective covenants, the minimum size of a main dwelling in LPR shall not be less than 400 square feet and the width shall not be less than one- third of the length. Timber will be thinned, and deadfall will be removed within a 50-foot radius of each dwelling site.Colors: All exterior colors must be approved in advance by the ACC. All color schemes must be compatible and blend with the natural environment of the subdivision and the individual lot, for example natural wood, shades of brown, green, and charcoal. The ACC will review each application and consider (including, but not limited to) the individual lot, location, and visibility from neighbors and road. Not all natural earth tones or colors will be approved if the ACC determines the color selections are not compatible with the natural environment and individual lot.

Setbacks--exceptions: Notwithstanding any Park County zoning or building regulation that may authorize a lesser distance, and as specified in the LPR declaration of protective covenants, dwellings shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from front and rear lot lines, and thirty (30) feet from side lotlines. Accessory structures, excluding permanent fences and walls authorized by the ACC, shall complywith the setback requirements set forth in the Park County Land Use Regulations, Table 5-304a, as may be amended from time to time. If placed on supports or blocks, and if otherwise permitted by Park County, dwellings must be skirted within thirty (30) days of installation. The exterior of each dwelling or other
structure located on any lot shall be maintained in good repair and painted condition. The minimum setback requirements established in the LPR declaration of restrictive covenants may be reduced by the ACC upon application for a variance in cases of topographic limitations or where excessive destruction of trees or foliage would be necessary for compliance. Lot owners may, in appropriate cases, be additionally required to seek and obtain a variance to a county-mandated setback from Park County.
Driveways: No driveway connected to a county road may be cut/installed on any lot without first having obtained a driveway permit from the Park County Environmental Health Department. All roads in LPR are county roads. Cross culverts of a size and length as specified by Park County are required where drainage ditches/ways are present. A permanent street address for the lot is required to obtain a driveway permit.

Sewage: Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems shall comply with the requirements of the State of Colorado and Park County Environmental Health Department. Privies and outhouses, whether chemical or dug, are prohibited on any lot. Absent a variance duly applied for and obtained, no septic tank or field system shall be nearer than fifty (50) feet to any lot line. There shall not be less than two hundred (200) feet between any water well and any sanitary system leach field/sand bed/soil treatment area.
Water: Lot owners are responsible for obtaining their own water source. No well may be drilled absent a well permit issued by the Colorado Division of Water Resources, Denver, Colorado. “Domestic” well permits and “household use only” well permits are the only types of permits granted for construction of wells on any LPR lot. Lot owners obtaining a domestic well permit will be limited to not more than 2,000 square feet of lawn and/or garden area to be irrigated from such well, along with the normal household use. Those lot owners obtaining household use only well permits are not allowed any outside
use of water such as irrigation of lawns or gardens, nor are they allowed outside hydrants for watering of domestic animals.

Wildfire Mitigation Considerations and Pointers

LPR is located within the Jefferson Como Fire Protection District (“JCFPD”), a fire department charged with protecting a service area of 525 square miles. Given the threat of wildfire within LPR’s semi- arid environment, the Park County Building Department requires on-site fire mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the JCFPD prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any new dwelling. This requires both a site inspection and the payment of an inspection fee. Because the mitigation measures reviewed by JCFPD focus mostly on the nature of the building/lot site (see Wildfire Hazard Standards Requirement, Resources) and not necessarily the materials used to construct the dwelling, the following suggestions are provided for those contemplating building in LPR.

Utilizing ignition-resistant building materials is key to protecting a structure from wildfire. There are plenty of non-combustible and/or fire-resistant materials on the market that can be employed in building a new dwelling or repairing/renovating an existing one. Building codes generally designate building materials in three classes (Class I, II, III or A, B, C). Class A materials have the slowest flame spread index (think of metals, stone and cement), while Class C materials have the fastest spread index (untreated lumber, vinyl, plastics). LPR being in an at-risk wildfire area, Class B and Class C materials should be avoided when possible.

Roofing: Common non-combustible roof coverings include cement, clay, or metal shingles or sheets. On the other hand, wood roof shakes are almost like kindling and are banned in Park County. Asphalt shingles are common. However, conventional mineral asphalt shingles usually have only a Class C rating while fiberglass-reinforced asphalt shingles have a Class A rating. Metal panel roofing is generally non-combustible, requires little to no maintenance, and over the long term can cost about the same or less than installing asphalt roof shingles. Further protection can be achieved by installing a
gypsum underlayment to fully achieve the Class A rating.

Exterior and Walls: Exterior walls face the largest threat to fire if a good defensible space has not been created and maintained around a dwelling. Although wood panels and boards are common siding materials, they pose an increased threat of ignition since they are readily combustible. Adding a layer of 5/8” Type X gypsum drywall (red label) behind the sheathing can provide a better fire rating. Fiber- cement board/plank-type lap siding, e.g., Hardie Plank or GAF Weatherside or steel siding (i.e. TruLog),are readily available and non- combustible materials alternative to wood, looks like wood but requires less maintenance, and can be painted. Stone provides a Class A rating. Log wall construction utilizing 6-inch or greater diameter logs, although combustible, burn very slow, and can be used with 5/8” Type X gypsum drywall behind the siding for increased fire protection.

Windows and Doors: Wildfire energy can cause a window sash and glass to expand and contract, potentially causing the window to break. Tempered glass and dual pane windows are more resistant to high heat. Window sashes 2-feet or less on one side are light enough that if they crack, they can remain in place. Windows with sides exceeding 2-feet can have a weight ratio too large and can break allowing embers and heat into the building. Metal and solid-core doors provide variable increased fire ratings.
Eaves and Soffits: The extension beyond the roof, or eave, is important to keeping rain and snow off a structure’s exterior. However, hot gases during a wildfire get trapped in the eaves and can get sucked into the structure’s interior through the soffits. Uncovered soffits exposing structural members can ignite very quickly, so enclosing soffits with an approved ventilation method is recommended. Most dwellings vent within the bottom of the soffit; however, venting along the side of the soffit and fascia is preferable as trapped gases and embers will have less chance of being pulled into the house through convection. Some siding manufactures make a perforated soffit material with tinier holes to better restrict sucking in hot embers and gas. Another option is to install a close-mesh wire grate (max. opening of 1/8”) over larger

Decks: Most decks are constructed with conventional lumber that are easily combustible. Ignited decks can spread fire quickly to the dwelling structure. Enclosing the underside of decks with fiber cement sheathing may provide increased protection from embers and flames. There are also certain composite deck materials that are less combustible than wood. Additionally, a fire-retardant clear coat can be added to new and existing decks to resist ignition.

Residential Propane Tanks: Pursuant to industry standards, it is recommended that residential propane tanks be located not less than ten feet (10’) from all structures and/or potential sources of ignition, e.g., utility appliances/switching devices, lines and poles, and vegetation. Ideally, it is suggested that tanks be buried or located at least 30’ from all buildings. It is also a good idea that flagstone or a concrete pad be placed underneath and 5’ around a tank to provide extra fire protection.
Wood stoves, Fireplaces, Chimneys: Fireplace and wood stove chimneys shall have a minimum 2-inch wire mesh screened spark arrestor. No vegetation within 10-feet of a chimney outlet. Lot owners are encouraged to consult with their building architects, contractors and suppliers about the fire-resistant materials and construction techniques discussed above.
A failure to comply with the provisions of the LPR protective covenants regarding building within Lost Park Ranch can result in disciplinary action taken by the LPROA Board of Directors. For comprehensive policy enforcement details, see Lost Park Ranch Owners Association, Inc. Covenant Enforcement Policy located in the member area on the LPROA website (